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Khama wins against PEEPA Board as Galeforolwe gets his job back (Sunday Standard)

After weeks of uncertainty, Joshua Galeforolwe has taken back his position as Chief Executive of the government privatization agency PEEPA.The stand off between cabinet and the PEEPA Board was resolved this week after a lot of behind the scenes face saving trade offs.As part of the deal, the Board will be allowed to employ a high key executive (Chief operations Officer) who shall work hand in hand with Galeforolwe going forward to implement the privatization mandate.The compromise position will also see the rules and terms, published two months ago under which BTC (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation) and Air Botswana will be privatized, re-written.This is because the Board feel they were not part of the process, which they charge was an exclusive brainchild of Galeforolwe. [Full Story..]


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